What is IIS Metabase? How to edit IIS metabase? How to backup IIS metabase file?

IIS Metabase - sounds like geek stuff right! What is IIS Metabase??? In the simplest words, IIS metabase is the repository of the configuration values that are set in the Internet Information Server (IIS). The IIS metabase in an XML file. It may be controlled through program or manually too.

In order to edit IIS metabase entries, the user needs to have administrative rights on the system. To do this, in run window, type "inetmgr". Browse to "Local Computer" and right click it. Click on "Properties". Select the "Enable Direct Metabase Edit" check box.

Many times, due to the existence of multiple versions of .NET framework, some settings in the IIS metabase may get affected and cause your program not to run. For such scenarios, you may take a backup of the IIS metabase XML file and recover it. To create a portable backup, open run window and type "inetmgr". Next browse to "Local Computer" and go to "All Tasks". Next, click on Backup/Restore Configuration. Next, click on "Create Backup". In the textbod box for Configuration Backup name, type a name for your backup file. Also select the encrypt backup option and type a password. To finish the process, click "OK".

Search for Metabase.xml file on your IIS Web Server.