What are different types of Workflow in Windows Workflow foundation?

There are two basics type of workflow Sequential Workflow and State machines workflow. A sequential workflow has clear start and finish boundaries. Workflow controls execution in Sequential workflow. In sequential execution one task is executed after other. Sequential workflow is more rigid in format and execution path has a determistic nature. A State machine workflow is more dynamic in nature. Basically workflow has states and the state waits for events to help it move to next state. In State machine execution path is undetermestic nature. Below figure shows visual conceptualization of fundamentals. You can see in Sequential work flow the execution path is very determestic. Shiv performs the entire task sequentially and these tasks are very determestic. But now have a look at the second work flow. Every state goes to other state when it receives some external events. For instance when Shiv is seeing star trek there is an event of flashing news which triggers him to see the flashing new.